Lakeside Light Podcast
Thank you for joining the Lakeside Light Podcast. It's Light to help you see your way, and a lite version of our full televised Sunday services, which you can find on our website This audio podcast is a weekly sermon message of Intellectual, Spiritual, and sometimes Humorous, Nourishment for the road. Enjoy!
Lakeside Light Podcast
“Three Forms of Water” By The Rev. Dr. Louisa W. Umphres - Baptism of the Lord
Scriptures: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
Description: 500 years ago, Felix Manz, George Blaurock, and Conrad Grebel were among a group of reformers who believed deeply in believer baptisms and started the Anabaptist movement. The Presbyterian tradition embraces infant baptism. How can we be inspired by the beauty of both forms of baptism… and by the third form, found in the profound act Jesus’ baptism? #baptismofthelord #baptism #churchhistory #anabaptists #reformation #solagratia
Bio: The Rev. Dr. Louisa W. Umphres is pastor and head of staff at Lakeside Presbyterian Church. She holds a BA in History from Duke University, Masters of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry from the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. #luke #lakesidepresbyterianchurch
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